Are These Still the 10 Soberest Cities in Michigan?

We often hear about the drunkest cities in Michigan - but what about the soberest cities in the Great Lakes State? If your city made the list of 10...

June 3, 2023
5:02 AM

We often hear about the drunkest cities in Michigan - but what about the soberest cities in the Great Lakes State? If your city made the list of 10 Soberest Cities in Michigan, do you think it's accurate? Road Snacks published this particular sober cities list in 2015. That was eight years ago? Does the data still hold up? The cities listed as soberest in 2015 were determined by the following Road Snacks criteria , Number of bars and pubs per capita Number of wineries per capita Number of liquor stores per capita Fast forward to 2023, maybe Sterling Heights, Michigan does have more bars and liquor stores now.

Maggie Meadows